Speed, fast turns and driving on edge. Welcome to Moto GP, Sport Motorcycles and full-on leather suits. Here, performance is everything, and nothing comes before the wheelies. Whether you're a professional racer or just riding with your buddies on the weekend, we know you want the best regarding your gear.

Here at Rebelhorn, we cultivate a love for performance. We pride ourselves on sourcing only the highest quality materials from manufacturers who value craftsmanship as much as we do with just the proper quality-to-price ratio. Some companies tend to overprice their gear just for the logo's sake, but if you are looking for a quality suit at a reasonable price, look no further! We aim to make our gear accessible to all riders, not just pros, so you can look and feel like a pro even if you're not a pro yet! But before all that boasting, let's look at the sport motorcycle gear itself.

Heads-to-toes protection

The protection starts with your head. A proper and certified helmet is a must in any motorsport, and it's essential when cruising on a motorcycle at high speeds. A helmet should give you a clear view of the road and, even more importantly, protect you in the event of a crash. We always try to ride to live another day, so a good helmet is necessary. Yet, there is more to protect when you are over 200 km/h, and the helmet is just the tip of the iceberg.

Look sharp, and stay safe

Sports motorcycles are only sometimes on the track. They are on the road most of the time, which is why proper clothing is crucial. Most accidents happen in road traffic, so it is vital to be visible to others on the road. Look sharp, and stay safe! Over the years, the amount of protection has increased considerably as the number of racers has increased.

Get to know the protection ratings before you buy products. Look for CE certification and ask what level the pads are. You're good to go if there is a science to back it up! Also, wear safety apparel in warm weather, including cooling vests and reflective material.

Comfort will make it easier to keep everything on for extended periods and ensure you are prepared for anything the weather throws. Get to know the proper clothing to ride in different conditions. Again, if you need clarification, ask questions here or at your local shop!

Match them well

For example, we ride three types of bikes: Superbikes, Supersport and Supertwins, each with different rules and restrictions. Each bike will have a different protection requirement; therefore, we will need additional safety equipment for every bike. This is why it's essential to do your homework and buy the appropriate gear to avoid problems down the road! This is why we ride in full-body suits!

Be it Rebelhorn Rebel, Fighter or Veloce pieces – no BS, premium leather, aramid and level 2 pads with tests to prove them suitable. We know sliding is living, so all the sliders are just in the right place to keep you comfortable and protected when the heat comes.

Go for the full monty

If you look closely at the gear, you will notice the materials and brands behind protectors or ventilation systems make them different, but on this level of protection – each of the suits will do great at high speeds. The rest depends on your wallet and style. Sometimes it's better to have the best kit you can afford for safe rides. Sometimes, the cheaper one fits better. If we choose, the comfort will always be above the price tag, even if this hurts our pockets. Trust us. It's worth it! If you can afford it – always go with the best of the best. See you on the road!